Film genres

TV movie
Super natural
Time travel
Super hero
Family film
Natural disaster
Cross over
True story
Black comedy

According to Bennett

“At the most basic level genre means type” (2008, p25)

“When analysing a text, it is always important to identify the genre of the text quickly, as this will help you identify what particular codes and conventions are being used in the text and also help you analyse why they are being employed.” (2008, p25)

A code is “a system of signs-verbal, aural or visual- used to convey meaning” (2008, p194”

A convention is “a generally accepted custom or an established rule” (2008, p194”

Branston and Stafford

“Genre theoretical term for classification of media texts into type groupings” (2007, p541)


  • Bennett, J (2008) Media Studies AS & A2: Revision Express
  • Branston, G, Staffort, R (2007) The Media Studies Book: Routledge

Code and Conventions in our poster:

The code in the poster is the cup as it conveys meaning (the woman in the film gets really drunk) and so it is a main part of the film.
The green eyes are also a code as the reason she remembers the man is because of his eyes, and is another important part of the film.
The background of the poster shows a party theme, as that is where the main woman and man meet, and so this I another code in the poster.

The convection is the storyline of the film as it has a typical Rom-Com storyline (the main character falls in love with someone without knowing who they are, they then go on a search for them) In the end, they find them and live happily together.

Codes and Convections:

  • Horror: Most horror movies are set in an abandoned house or building that a group of young people or one person visits. They contain a lot of jump scares and flashes, and the background is usually dim and dark. The storyline usually has one person that finds something unexpected and the rest of the people/ group in the film go on a search to see what they can find. If it is one person in the film it is usually someone being trapped or not knowing where they are.
  • Sci-fi: Usually has spaceships and aliens etc, with a space/ futuristic setting or background. The storyline usually consists of somebody being taken or trapped and someone else having to go and get them or an unexpected character for example gets sent on a mission in space. Conflict (good and bad.) Set in another world. Use of colour sci-fi connotations (blues and greens.
  • Rom-com: The main storyline for a rom-com is that the main character in the film falls in love with someone they don’t know or have never met before. They then go on a search to find them and end up meeting them again, the search to find them is usually the longest part of the film and contains a lot of comedy. Wedding. Slow love music. Relatable, funny character.
  • Action: Fast paced, intense music. Battle and conflict within the good and bad. Use of weapons, explosions and machinery. Fast editing. Panic and tone of the scene. Full on, intense.
  • War: Usually based on battles/ conflict. Various weapons are shown in the scenes. Usually based on a Good v Bad situation. Invasion. Costumes (military suits etc.)
  • Disaster: A disaster, worse case scenario. Chaos. Sirens and warning sounds. Tornados (natural disasters.)